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Removing Barriers to Kylie's Success

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

Kylie* was one of the first students Chad met when he started as a CIS coordinator. As an incoming freshman, Kylie had an extensive history of being chronically absent only coming to school 86% of the time as an eighth grader.

Together Kylie and Chad set small attendance goals that could be accomplished quickly and easily – such as five consecutive days of attendance. Kylie met her small goals and was ready to set a bigger one – end the school year with at least 90% attendance, an increase of 4% from the prior school year.

Due to a learning disability, Kylie has always struggled in school. She takes special education classes and has an Individualized Education Plan. Again, Kylie and Chad worked together to set academic goals. Chad helped Kylie with her homework, checked the homework she did on her own and wrote out a schedule for the days that work would be due.

Kylie comes from a broken home with a father that is currently not in the country. “I have tried to be a role model/example for Kylie,” said Chad, “she comes to me for advice on many situations such as, relationships with family and friends. I am one of the only adults that she trusts outside of her mother”.

Before the school closures, Kylie’s average daily attendance rate was at 91 percent. She ended the first semester with a 3.0 GPA and is currently on track with her second semester classes. In the course of this school year, with guidance and encouragement from Chad, Kylie has gained confidence that she is a capable student who can achieve her goals.

*Student's name has been changed to protect identity.

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