Calvin, a student at Clay County High School, has lived with friends and relatives since his parents were tragically killed in a car accident. He is 18 and has no legal guardian, a situation that presents several practical challenges at school. For example, he could not sign himself out of school if he needed to leave, and, once he received his driver’s license, needed an adult in his home to sign the paperwork that would allow him to drive himself to and from school.
Calvin and his CIS program manager met with the school principal and bookkeeper to sort through the various paperwork and processes so that he is now able to drive himself to school. When he wasn’t sure if he had health insurance, his program manager helped Calvin sort that out, sitting with him while he called the health department and later the insurance company to request a new card once he found out he was insured.
With the support and guidance of CIS, Calvin has been able to navigate multiple obstacles that could have prevented him from coming to school each day.