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Nashville Diaper Connection

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Nashville Diaper Connection started in 2013 after founder Doug Adair learned there were many places you could go for food, but only two organizations that said they could help with diapers - one was closed and the other put you on a waiting list for 50 diapers to last the next 4 months. Doug also was alarmed to learn that there are no federal, state or local assistance programs for diapers.

Photo: Nashville Diaper Connection setup at CIS partner school, Warner Elementary.

Nashville Diaper Connection collects diapers and distributes them through community partners, like Communities In Schools (CIS). Without diapers, babies cannot go to childcare or participate in early childhood education. Without much-needed childcare, many parents cannot go to work or school. This causes homes with more tension, less nurturing and possible abuse. Nashville Diaper Connection strives to ensure that every baby in Davidson County has enough diapers to stay clean, dry and healthy.

In their first year, NashDiaper distributed 19,000 diapers. In 2020, they distributed over TWO MILLION diapers and they are on track to exceed this in 2021. Click here to learn more about this amazing organization.

Thank you, Nashville Diaper Connection, for your partnership!

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Communities In Schools® (CIS ™) of Tennessee

 500 Interstate Blvd S. Suite 100| Nashville, TN 37210

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